Friday, August 29, 2008

Act 5 : Getting Back

Huhu... Macam2 betul la kejadian kebelakangan neh... Aku pn tak tau nk cakap camne lagi. Masih lagi mencube untuk hidup kembali. Nape cam pelik je ayat tuh? Huhu... I try to live again. Breathing life into my body. Looking forward to achieve my goals. Tapi terase mcm jauh sgt. Huhu... We've tried so hard, yet we are still left behind. Confused...

Tgk berita kt tv. Election, current affairs, world, local, sports, dan macam2 lagi. So much story to tell, yet so little time to spend. Everything evolves around conflicts. Takkan takde satu pn yg tidak ade konflik. Suke tul kite neh ngan konflik kan. Takde masalah pn leh wat ade. Sampai ke sudah tak setel2. Huh...

Getting desperate. Really2 desperate. Gersang tahap melampau. Hahaha... Making up to all the years that we had been together. Rase nyesal tu ade, tapi kadang2 lebih baik kite lepaskan. Ikatan tak bermakna kalo kite takde rase sayang lagi. Kebahagiaan bukan datang dari nafsu semata-mata, tapi hati yg tulus ikhlas. Maafkan Im ye Nurul. Im tak mampu jadik org yg Nurul nak.

~PoJenG UnLimiTeD~

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